November 16, 2021

Electric Vehicle Revolution Steps Up a Gear

The government wants to see charging points in all new-build properties in England

In July 2021, the UK government set out its delivery plan to transition to zero-emission cars and vans by 2035. It is inevitable for questions to remain regarding the highly ambitious plan, but the direction of travel could not be clearer.

One of the first steps in the move to zero emissions is the government confirmation of legislation that demands all new-build properties to provide charge points for electric vehicles. Hailed as a world first by ministers, the legislation marks the first of many milestones planned in the electric vehicle (EV) revolution.

Smart Devices

Government proposals detail the requirement of charge points at residential and non-residential buildings alongside “smart” devices, which are already a requirement of the EV Homecharge Scheme (EVHS).

Smart devices are available from Westech’s Development Partner Project EV and are designed to enable vehicle charging to be altered to specific times of the day. For example, you may want to charge your vehicle overnight when demand on the power network is lower, or when renewable energy generation is high. It is also possible to schedule charging times when energy is at its cheapest – for the EV owners who make use of smart tariffs!

Smart charge points are vital in making use of smart tariffs, which can save EV owners hundreds of pounds a year. Our charge points go further, offering solar modes for owners of solar panels, load management to protect your supply cables, a free monitoring app and no need for add-ons, which are all built-in to every charge point.

Smart devices and smart tariffs can help reduce the need for urgent power grid reinforcement or at least allow more time for the grid to prepare for the greater energy demand (which is forecast to potentially triple from current levels by 2050).

EV Sales Rising

The EV revolution is moving in the right direction, but things are just getting started. Up to 10.5 million electric vehicles are expected to be on our roads by 2030. Last year sales of electric cars rose 186%, while those of plug-in hybrids rose 91% according to motoring organisation the RAC.

Accelerating Infrastructure Rollout

The government plans to invest £1.3 billion to accelerate the rollout of charging infrastructure on motorways, streets, and in homes and workplaces.

The Rapid Charging Fund is the government’s flagship £950 million infrastructure delivery programme which is designed to support the rollout of an expanded rapid charging network at motorway service areas across England. Grid capacity will be upgraded at these sites, aiming to provide 2,500 rapid charge points across the strategic road network by 2030, increasing to 6,000 by 2035.

At the same time, consumer unease about “range anxiety” is being helped by improvements in battery technology, which should also mean EV prices continue to decrease. And of course, traditional fuel prices continue to rise.

Charging Challenges

Practical issues remain for many households where off-street parking is not an option. Street and workplace charging will have a key role to play.

Funding continues for the Workplace Charging Scheme until at least 2023/24 and the Local Authority led On-street Residential Chargepoint Scheme continues with £20 million confirmed for 2021/22.

From 2022, the EVHS will broaden availability to renters, leaseholders and those living in flats.

Time for Action

Whether you believe the targets for the electric vehicle (EV) revolution are achievable or not, the course is firmly set on an electrified future and we are at the early stages.

The incentives of electric travel are designed to encourage adoption until we reach a tipping point in the transition. Based on the government’s delivery plan timeline, this should be some point after 2025. These statistics provide certainty and opportunity to early adopters.

At Westech Solar, like many, we have anticipated the move towards electrification and have seen the benefits of the entwined relationships between solar, storage and EVs. Through our Development Partner Project EV, we have one of the most diverse ranges of EV charge points and energy storage solutions which we are constantly growing as the market develops.

Whether you are a business, local authority or just an EV owner and would like to know more, we are here to help. We can answer your questions and discuss your plans with you.

So just get in touch.

Download the full Transitioning to zero-emission cars and vans: 2035 delivery plan

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